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Capitol Correspondence - 05.07.18

CMS Rejects Kansas Proposal for Lifetime Medicaid Limits

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According to The Hill:

“The Trump administration announced Monday that it is rejecting Kansas’s request to impose lifetime limits on Medicaid benefits, drawing a line against a new level of conservative changes to the program.

The administration has already approved work requirements in Medicaid, a controversial move in itself, but Monday’s decision indicates that time limits on Medicaid coverage are going too far for the Trump administration.


‘We seek to create a pathway out of poverty, but we also understand that people’s circumstances change, and we must ensure that our programs are sustainable and available to them when they need and qualify for them,’ [Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Administrator Seema Verma stated.]

Kansas’s proposal would have limited Medicaid coverage to three years, at which point people would lose access to Medicaid forever.”

Read the full article here.