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ANCOR News - 02.12.18

CMS Seeking Interest in Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program

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The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is actively seeking Expression of Interest letters from states interested in technical support to build their knowledge and capacity to design value-based purchasing strategies for home and community based services and/or those states moving toward implementation of these strategies. 

This opportunity is available for up to 10 states with a goal to provide targeted technical assistance resulting in an actionable work plan that is ready to move to implementation. The year-long program begins in April 2018 and includes a mix of on-site technical support, education, and peer-to-peer learning. States interested in being a part of the program must submit an Expression of Interest by February 15th. State teams must be led by a State Medicaid staff member and include participation by the State’s Medicaid Director. The opportunity is open to states regardless of whether they are fee-for-service or under managed care. Additional information, including the slides from the Information Session, can be found here.

In response to a question about how providers could participate, the presenters encouraged interested providers to reach out to their State Medicaid agency to see if they were planning to apply and if so express their interest in being a part of the effort. Should you reach out to inquire and learn that your state is pursuing this opportunity, please inform Kim Opsahl, ANCOR’s Director of State Partnerships and Special Projects, by emailing her at [email protected].