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ANCOR News - 05.14.18

Department of Education to Reopen WIOA Regulations

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The Department of Education has announced that it is planning to reopen regulations surrounding the Rehabilitation Act. Specifically, it will reopen regulations that were created by the 1973 Rehabilitation Act (section 34 CFR part 361) and subsequently amended by the Workforce Investment and Opportunities Act (WIOA). This is the “disability specific” portion of the broader WIOA legislation. While no formal proposal has yet been issued, the Department announced it will issue a Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) to “amend regulatory definitions” in these programs.

At this time, no details are available besides the Department’s intention to reopen the regulations. However, ANCOR will share more information with members as it becomes available. ANCOR will also be discussing this issue with its Government Relations Advisory Committee, which is comprised of ANCOR members on a voluntary basis. You will find additional background information on the amended regulations in ANCOR’s initial testimonies on WIOA to the Advisory Committee on Increasing Competitive Integrated Employment for People with Disabilities.