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Capitol Correspondence - 08.06.18

Do Not Miss ANCOR’s New Managed Care Resources

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Last week, ANCOR shared a new resource on managed care. Following the release of our recent white paper on managed long-term care for people with I/DD, ANCOR has put together an outreach toolkit to help members leverage the paper with their partners and the media. The toolkit is available online, and for your convenience we also link to the white paper here.

Members might also be interested in the following two resources from our broader network:

Advocates’ Guide to Accessibility in Medicaid Managed Care Grievances and Appeals: This guide, prepared by DREDF, Justice in Aging and NHeLP, “provides advocates with an outline of potentially problematic areas in the appeals process and provides suggested language for the content of State implementing regulations—to be utilized during commenting periods.”

Engaging People with Disabilities: Strategies for Rural Health Departments: We encourage members to share this document, prepared by NACCHO, with your local city and/or council members so that they can view you as a resource as they develop policies around the people you support.