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Capitol Correspondence - 02.04.19

DOL Also Wants to You to EARN (It’s a Resource, Not a Command!)

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ANCOR is sharing the announcement below from the Department of Labor (DOL) because the Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion (EARN) website and new video could be useful for people with disabilities and providers of I/DD employment supports in their efforts to encourage employers to hire people with disabilities.

As shared by DOL:

“Not all businesses may know where to start when it comes to ensuring a workplace is inclusive of the skills and talents of people with disabilities. This can be the case for small businesses without a dedicated human resources team or a formal diversity and inclusion initiative.

For the unfamiliar, questions about disability employment can be numerous. Where can I find and recruit qualified people with disabilities? How does the Americans with Disabilities Act apply to my business? What exactly are reasonable accommodations, and how can I ensure my business is accessible to people with disabilities, whether job applicants or customers?

Your first stop for answers to these questions is the Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion (EARN)—a resource funded by the Office of Disability Employment Policy that helps employers tap the benefits of disability diversity. EARN educates public- and private-sector organizations on ways to build inclusive workplace cultures and empowers individuals and organizations to become leaders in the employment and advancement of people with disabilities.

EARN recently developed an animated video to showcase its offerings and introduce small businesses to the many ways it can help in their recruiting, hiring, retaining, and advancing of qualified individuals with disabilities. The video reviews the benefits of a disability-inclusive workplace as well as resources available on the EARN website, including an employer policy framework, links to state and local community-based organizations, and information on various disability nondiscrimination laws and regulations.

So, as 2019 gets underway, a worthy resolution for businesses is to learn about EARN. Check out the new video, visit the EARN website, and spread the word about this valuable resource for employers of all sizes.

For additional news and resources, sign up for ODEP’s e-mail updates.”