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Capitol Correspondence - 08.19.19

Don’t Forget – Free ABLE Webinar Series Throughout August

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ANCOR is sharing this announcement by the ABLE National Resource Center as a reminder to our members on these free resources for individuals supported and their families.


As written by the ABLE National Resource Center:


“The #ABLEtoSave Awareness Campaign Webinar Series series provides information about Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) accounts. Weekly webinars will be held each Thursday in August from 2:00- 3:00 p.m. ET and will include information for people with disabilities, family members and those who support them. Each webinar will feature at least one ABLE account owner or family member who will share how an ABLE account enhances the health, independence and quality of life for people with disabilities. 


ABLE Best Practices and Action Steps
for Family Members and Supporters (Circle of Support)

August 15, 2019
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET


This week, eligible individuals, family members and others will learn about:

  • Identifying and understanding qualified disability expenses
  • Tracking qualified disability expenses
  • Using and funding an ABLE account 
  • ABLE accounts, Special Needs Trusts and Pooled Trusts
  • Using best practices from other parents and family members on how to support ABLE account owners

You will hear ABLE account owners’ goals and how they made various choices to meet their individual and family needs and improve their quality of life.”


Register and see upcoming webinars.