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Capitol Correspondence - 07.15.19

Don’t Miss! Center for Disability-Inclusive Community Development Holds Inaugural Webinar on July 25

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ANCOR is sharing this announcement by the National Disabilities Institute (NDI) and the Center for Disability-Inclusive Community Development because people with disabilities experience higher poverty rates than their peers without disabilities, making this webinar on financial well-being relevant. The webinar will be held on July 25 from 3:00-4:30pm ET. Register here.

As shared by NDI and the Center:

“This inaugural webinar of the Center will discuss the goals of the Center to improve the financial well-being of low- to moderate-income (LMI) people with disabilities and their families by increasing awareness of opportunities and resources available as a result of the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA).

This webinar will describe Center activities, including: target audiences in the financial and disability communities; training and technical assistance; relationship building; research and development of new resources that identify promising practices in inclusive community development.”