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Capitol Correspondence - 07.08.19

Don’t Miss: Survey of People with Disabilities on Transition from State-Run Institutions to Community Settings

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ANCOR is sharing the abstract of this article in the Disability and Health Journal below because it provides a methodical study on people with disabilities’ experiences transitioning into the community based on their direct feedback. Ensuring quality, integrated lives for people with disabilities is a key priority for our membership. The full article is available here for a $31.50 fee.

As written by the Disability and Health Journal:

Background: Legislation and court decisions in the United States mandate the right to least restrictive community living and participation for people with disabilities, yet little research has examined differences in participation across institutional and community settings, or over time in the community post-transition.

Objective: As part of a multi-site participatory action research project examining participation, we examined the differences in quality of life in institutional and community living environments among people with disabilities.

Methods: We conducted surveys with adults with disabilities between 18 and 65 years-old that transitioned from institutions to the community in the United States within the last five years. This paper reports on findings for a diverse sample of 150 participants.

Results: We found significant differences between ratings of institutional and community experiences, with increased reports of satisfaction, personal safety, service access, and participation in community settings. We also found significant improvements in community integration and inclusion after transition to community living, although barriers to transportation and activity access often remained.

Conclusions: This study of insider experiences of previously institutionalized people with disabilities illuminates important understandings of community participation, integration, and quality of life for the disability community in the United States.”