Capitol Correspondence - 09.16.19

Employment Resource: DOL Offers Short Videos on Disability Employment Topics

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ANCOR is sharing this resource by the Department of Labor (DOL) because many of our members offer supports to help people with disabilities find and maintain employment. People with disabilities are employed at lower rates than their peers without disabilities.

As written by DOL:

“These videos can help you learn about disability employment issues as well as humanize the work we do to help connect the pieces. So sit back and enjoy these 10 short informative videos covering a diverse range of disability topics.

Service Integration and Alignment of Services

  • Finding Integration: Success in American Job Centers (AJC) (11 min) – Take a road trip with WINTAC and learn how three different American Job Centers define “service integration”. Make stops on the front lines in Creston, IA; Covington, KY; and Woodbridge, VA, and learn about innovative customer service flow to maximize seamless service delivery.
  • Integrated Resource Team Model (14 min) – Learn about a customer centered approach within an AJC in Portland, OR that involves diversified service systems coordinating services and leveraging funding to meet the needs of an individual job seeker with a disability.
  • Employment First State Leadership Mentoring Program (EFSLMP) (3 videos 1 – 2 min)– An initiative led by the Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) to align policies, service delivery, and reimbursement structures to further maximize integrated employment.  Check out these video to learn more on how policy is put into practice in Utah, Illinois, and Tennessee. 

Physical and Programmatic Access

  • Assistive Technology (AT) in Action (7 videos 4-6 min) – Short videos by PACER that offer real-world examples of how AT is making a difference in the lives of students with disabilities. AT devices can be highly effective tools to help individuals with disabilities participate fully in school, at home, and in the community.
  • Job Accommodation Network (JAN) Tools (4 min) – Through this animation, learn how JAN can help you increase the productivity of your workplace using low-cost, practical solutions to accommodation situations.

Effective Communication: Disability Awareness and Etiquette

Financial Capability Strategies