The State of America's Direct Support Workforce Crisis 2024

New report sheds light on persistent problems facing community providers due to ongoing recruitment and retention challenges
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Capitol Correspondence - 12.10.18

HHS and CMS Stirring Up Something Interesting in the Office of Innovation

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According to the Washington Examiner, “’What if we gave organizations more flexibility so they could pay a beneficiary’s rent if they were in unstable housing, or make sure that a diabetic had access to, and could afford, nutritious food?’ Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said at an event in November. ‘If that sounds like an exciting idea… I want you to stay tuned to what CMMI is up to.’

Azar was referring to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation Center, a government entity created by Obamacare that tests different ideas for improving care and lowering costs. The expected changes would take effect through Medicaid, the program that covers low-income people and other vulnerable populations, including pregnant women and people with disabilities.”