Video is now available from a February 7, 2018 panel on the recent Office of the Inspector General (OIG) reports about state critical incident reporting in group home settings, and holistic solutions states could implement to address problems with reporting. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) hosted the panel and speakers comprised of HHS and OIG staff. ANCOR’s Director of Legislative Affairs Sarah Meek and three ANCOR members (Ms. Bonnie Brooks of OHI in Maine, Mr. Josh Evans of IARF in Illinois and Mr. Mark Davis of OPRA in Ohio) attended this event. Please click here to access the full video, or here for the 1 ½ minutes highlights video. ANCOR is happy to report that Ms. Brooks was able to ask a question – you can hear it and the ensuing answer at the 53:57 mark of the full video.
ANCOR continues to monitor OIG activity in the states and will report any new developments to our members.
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