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ANCOR News - 05.18.21

HHS Seeks Volunteer Disability Emergency Relief Advisory Committee Members

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People with disabilities are often overlooked during emergency management planning, which affects their safety and well-being when a crisis strikes. We flag this opportunity from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for our members interested in emergency management policy:

“The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR), in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of the Secretary has announced it is establishing two new committees to provide advice and recommendations to support and enhance public health preparedness, response, and recovery to meet the needs of older adults and people with disabilities.


National Advisory Committee on Individuals with Disabilities and Disasters

This advisory committee will provide recommendations to the Secretary of HHS about the medical, public health, and accessibility needs of individuals with disabilities related to emergencies. ASPR shall provide management and administrative oversight to support the activities of the advisory committee. See the detailed announcement published in the Federal Register.

The Office of the Secretary is accepting application submissions from qualified individuals who wish to be considered for membership on the advisory committee. Up to seven voting members with expertise on disability accessibility, disaster planning, preparedness, response, or recovery will be selected. Please visit​nacidd for all application submission information and instructions. Application submissions will be accepted until June 12, 2021.

For additional information contact: Maxine Kellman, DVM, Ph.D., PMP, Designated Federal Official for National Advisory Committees, Washington, DC, Office (202) 260-0447 or email [email protected].”