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Capitol Correspondence - 07.08.19

HUD Announces $150 million in Housing Grants, Explanatory Webinar

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ANCOR is sharing this notice of funding availability (NOFA) for Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) FY2019 Mainstream Voucher Program because accessing affordable housing is a deep challenge for people with disabilities and the providers who support them. This program allows Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) to apply for funds to assist non-elderly persons with disabilities. The notice number is FR-6300-N-43. We encourage our members to connect with Public Housing Authorities to ensure they are aware of this disability-specific funding opportunity.

As shared by HUD:

“HUD expects to award $150 million, which will house approximately 18,000 families.  PHAs will receive additional points if they agree to adopt a preference for their housing choice voucher program for one or more targeted groups, including those who are transitioning out of institutional or other segregated settings, at serious risk of institutionalization, currently experiencing homelessness, previously experienced homelessness and currently a client in a permanent supportive housing or rapid rehousing project, and at risk of experiencing homelessness.  PHAs are encouraged to develop or continue partnerships with health and human services agencies to provide participants with voluntary supportive services and increase program access.  Please send questions to [email protected].

HUD will post a pre-recorded webinar on the NOFA within the next two weeks.  The webinar will be posted to the Mainstream Voucher Program webpage and will be announced via the Mainstream Vouchers listserv.

Applications are due September 5, 2019 at 11:59:59 PM Eastern Time and must be submitted through Grants.gov.  To find the NOFA on Grants.gov, search by the CFDA number: 14.879.”