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Capitol Correspondence - 10.28.19

HUD Announces More Disability Housing Funding Opportunities

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The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) issued two grant opportunities to improve housing access for people with disabilities. ANCOR is flagging these Notices of Funding Availability (NOFAs) for our members so they can encourage their partners and public housing authorities to apply.

NOFA for Capital Advance waivers – deadline February 10, 2020: “Sponsors/Owners are encouraged to establish formal partnerships with health and human service agencies or other organizations with a demonstrated capacity to coordinate voluntary services and supports to enable individuals to live independently in the community. These partner organizations should assist the Owners by providing referrals of potential tenants, assisting with a timely transition to a unit, and providing the opportunity to access supportive services and supports. Demonstrated capacity may refer to previous experience as well as a well-developed plan to provide referrals, services, and supports. […] Funding of up to $75,000,000 is available through this NOFA.  HUD expects to make approximately 25 -30 awards from the funds available under this NOFA. The precise number of awards will depend on the eligible proposals.”

NOFA for project rental assistance (appears to target on housing authorities) – deadline February 10, 2020: “The primary purpose of the Section 811 PRA Program is to identify, stimulate, and support innovative state-level strategies that will transform and increase housing for extremely low-income persons with disabilities while also making available appropriate support and services. HUD is seeking to support collaborations between State Housing and Health and Human Service/Medicaid Agencies that have resulted or will result in increased access to affordable permanent supportive housing units – new and existing– with access to appropriate services. […] Funding of up to $37,000,000 is available through this NOFA. […] HUD expects to make approximately 8 awards from the funds available under this NOFA. The precise number of awards will depend on the eligible proposals.”