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Capitol Correspondence - 09.09.19

ICYMI: Business Acumen Center Weekly Update

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ANCOR is sharing this item from our Friday Weekly Update as a courtesy to our members.

As written by Donna Martin, Director of State Partnerships and Special Projects:

As we shift focus from the ACL Business Acumen Grant, ANCOR is taking a broad view on Alternate Payment Methods, Integrated Care, MLTSS best practices and further developing provider readiness for operating in an ever-changing environment. 

In support of this goal, we are including a panel presentation on the intersection of business acumen and innovative practices.  We will be featuring two providers who participated in the Business Development Learning Collaborative and one MCO who is doing things quite a bit differently!  This panel will focus on what two of the Collaborative members learned during the process and how they are using that information to strengthen and prepare their organizations for change. 

In addition to these lessons learned, we will have a representative from a non-profit MCO from Wisconsin.  This organization, Inclusa, was formed with a community building mission.  They support 15,000 elders and people with disabilities across the state and contract with over 6000 provider partners, many of whom are small businesses.  The MCO’s trademarked model of managed care is called “Commonunity” and focuses on developing full citizenship by building meaningful connections between their members and the individuals’ local community.  They do so by stressing Self-Determination, Community Living, Integrated Employment, Mobility and Community Connections. 

I hope you will join this year’s Policy Summit and learn about how these three organizations are creating meaningful change for the people they serve, those they employee and their communities!