On Monday, June 30, 2018 the President signed H.R. 6042 into law, making it take immediate effect. This means that new Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) will begin to take effect on January 1, 2020 instead of January 1, 2019. Courtesy of our coalition partners the Center for Public Representation, we are sharing a document showing what the original statute in the 21st Century Cures Act would read as now that it has been amended by H.R. 6042. The House Energy and Commerce Committee issued a statement following the bill signing, stating that “Rep. Guthrie’s bill is a good-government improvement to ensure state Medicaid programs and providers of these services have additional time to implement this policy, so it can be used effectively.” Congratulations to the over 2,000 ANCOR advocates who sent over 8,000 emails to Congress to bring this bill to life – this would not have happened with you.
While we celebrate, ANCOR is also looking ahead to the work that remains on this issue. Our focus is now on working with Congressional staff and officials from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Service (CMS) to meet and address overarching policy concerns with the statute. These include state uncertainty over what the EVV delay means, which supports are covered, and the privacy rights of information collected by providers. If you know of any questions or issues your state has on EVV, please share them with Esme Grant Grewal, our Vice President of Government Relations, at [email protected] so she can relay your (anonymous) feedback in those conversations.
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