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Capitol Correspondence - 01.29.18

NDRN Seeks Focus Group Participants Regarding Enforcement of Federal Disability Rights Laws

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The National Disability Rights Network (NDRN), the national association for Protection and Advocacy agencies, is conducting a study for the National Council on Disability about the enforcement of disability rights laws. NDRN needs the viewpoint of people with disabilities for this important study.

NDRN seeks people with disabilities who have dealt or interacted with the U.S. Access Board, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), or agencies of the U.S. Department of Labor to participate in focus groups about the work of these federal agencies on disability rights. For example, people with disabilities who have filed a complaint or attended a training with the E.E.O.C., or with the Dept. of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division or Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, or who may have interacted with the U.S. Access Board or the Dept. of Labor’s Office of Disability and Employment Policy (ODEP), would be good potential participants for these discussions.

Four focus group discussions will be held, two on-line using the internet and two in-person.

On-line Live: February 20th at 3pm PT, 4pm MT, 5pm CT, 6pm ET

In-person Live in Washington, D.C.: February 26th at 4pm ET

On-line Live: March 7th at 6pm PT, 7pm MT, 8pm CT, 9pm ET

In-person Live in Atlanta, GA: Mid to late March date pending (4pm ET)

Each focus group will last two hours. Between 12 and 14 participants will be selected for each focus group.

If you, or someone you know, would be a good fit to participate in a focus group, please send the following information about the person to David Hutt at [email protected] by February 10th:


E-mail and/or Phone number;

City and State of Residence;

A Brief Statement about you or the recommended person’s interactions with the EEOC, Department of Labor, or the Access Board. 

Focus Group Time Preference: On-Line Feb. 20th or March 7th, or In-Person in D.C. or Atlanta.

Selected participants will be given a $50 stipend after completion of the focus group. Limited funds are available to reimburse some travel expenses for persons who attend the in-person focus groups in Washington, D.C. or Atlanta, GA.

“NDRN is NOT seeking individuals involved with these agencies in any policy advocacy capacity, such as staff directly employed by CCD members, but people with disabilities with direct experience in the enforcement or outreach efforts of these agencies, such as filing a complaint or attending one or more agency training programs. CCD members should feel free to forward to their networks.”