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Capitol Correspondence - 03.03.20

New Grants Available: Health Care Policy and Disability

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As announced by the Administration for Community Living (ACL):

“The National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) at ACL has opened a new funding opportunity for the Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects (DRRP) on Healthcare Policy and Disability. 

The purpose of the DRRP program is to plan and conduct research, demonstration projects, training, and related activities (including international activities) to develop methods, procedures, and rehabilitation technology that maximize the full inclusion and integration into society, employment, independent living, family support, and economic and social self-sufficiency of individuals with disabilities.

DRRP on Healthcare Policy and DisabilityUnder this particular DRRP priority, the objective is to generate new knowledge about the effect of evolving healthcare policies on access to health care services, community living, or employment outcomes for people with disabilities.

View more details and application instructions.

Please visit the link above for more details about the grant opportunity and application process. This grant opportunity closes on April 20, 2020.