ANCOR is sharing a summary by our lobbyists at McDermott Plus Consulting, Rodney Whitlock and Katie Weider, of a House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing on insulin prices on because many people with disabilities are affected by diabetes. Given that people with disabilities are more likely to experience poverty than their peers without disabilities, this makes this population even more vulnerable to changes in insulin prices. Titled Priced Out of a Lifesaving Drug: Getting Answers on the Rising Cost of Insulin hearing was a follow-up to last week’s hearing focusing on the costs of insulin. Witnesses today included drug manufacturers and PBMs.
As shared by our lobbyists, “Members of the committee were frustrated with finger pointing between the PBMs and manufacturers on the reasons behind high and rising insulin prices. Chairman Pallone, along with other Representatives, emphasized that the free market for insulin has failed to produce affordable prices for consumers. There was also a focus on increased transparency across the drug supply chain. Of note, Bucshon highlighted the 340B drug program and continued to state that the program needs reform.” Read the full notes.
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