ANCOR is sharing this article by Politico Pro on an op-ed penned by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) because it is important for our members to understand the priorities of key policy-makers and what the Congressional agenda looks like for the upcoming months.
As shared by Politico Pro:
“MITCH McCONNELL touts health priorities on behalf of Kentucky. The Senate majority leader penned an op-ed in Kentucky Today where he detailed his work on behalf of his constituents. McConnell said his priorities included:
— Opposing Medicare for All. “As long as I’m Majority Leader, socialist plans to give government total control over your life will never pass the Senate,” McConnell wrote.
— Working to raise the legal age to purchase tobacco to 21, which McConnell said would protect teens’ brains and curb risk of cancer. (POLITICO recently detailed McConnell’s plan.)
— Helping University of Kentucky win the largest federal grant in its history, an $87 million award toward fighting opioid and substance misuse.
…Not mentioned: Advocating on behalf of the state’s Medicaid work requirements, a top priority for Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin that’s been blocked by a federal judge. A McConnell spokesperson said that the Senate leader only mentioned issues in his op-ed that were discussed or came up on recent visits back home.”
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