As part of ANCOR’s work with ASAE’s UBIT Coalition, we are sharing a request by Coalition for anecdotal evidence showing that changes to the unrelated business income tax (UBIT) affected non-profit organizations. The changes to the formula included a new 21 percent tax on “fringe benefits” such as employee parking and transportation subsidies. ANCOR has been involved in this issue because in addition to taking funding away from non-profits mission, it creates deeply complicated resources / accounting questions facing organizations whose staff help people with intellectual / developmental disabilities (I/DD) participate in community activities.
We invite ANCOR members who experienced challenges with the UBIT changes to please send their anecdotes to Mary Kate Cunningham, VP of Public Policy ([email protected]) for ASAE. ASAE will use these anecdotes to educate Congressional offices as the organization seeks support for legislation addressing the difficulties caused by the UBIT.
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