Because ensuring that people with disabilities are healthy and safe during the pandemic remains ANCOR’s key priority, we share an article by Politico Pulseon who will be heading the President-Elect’s COVID-19 transition task force. Note that one member of the task force, Dr. Michael Osterholm, presented at ANCOR’s Virtual Policy Summit in October. During his presentation, Dr. Osterholm shared that he is parent of a person with I/DD, making him well-versed in the challenges facing the disability community. We will keep our members informed as we learn more about what to expect from the incoming Administration on key issues affecting Medicaid disability providers in coming weeks.
As reported by Politico Pulse:
“The panel includes:
— RICK BRIGHT,who was ousted as chief of BARDA and became a major critic of the Trump administration before leaving government last month.
—ATUL GAWANDE, the high-profile surgeon and New Yorker writer who most recently led Haven, the joint venture between Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JPM. Gawande also served as an HHS senior adviser during the Clinton administration, a role that he discussed on POLITICO’s “Pulse Check” podcast in 2017.
— LUCIANA BORIO, who served as the FDA’s acting chief scientist and on the National Security Council during the Trump administration.
— MICHAEL OSTERHOLM, who’s achieved renown as an infectious disease specialist at the University of Minnesota.
The task force also includes UCSF’s Eric Goosby, who helped shape HIV/AIDS policy during the Clinton and Obama administration; UCSF emergency physician Robert Rodriguez; and Loyce Pace of the Global Health Council.”
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