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Capitol Correspondence - 09.17.18

Recruitment Assistance Needed for Study on Paid Leave & Disability

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As shared by The Arc:

“Columbia University and The Arc are doing a study on paid family and medical leave with people affected by disabilities and need your help. For the study, we’d like to interview workers with disabilities and those who provide support to a friend or family member with a disability in California, New Jersey, New York, and North Carolina. We plan to conduct remote, one-on-one interviews by phone, web conference, or email to look at how paid family and medical leave programs can work better for them.

Can you help us recruit people who:

  1. Work in California, New Jersey, New York, or North Carolina or have worked in these states in the past 2 years, AND
  2. Have a disability OR provide support to a friend or a family member with a disability

Interested people can call 929-900-5398 or email [email protected] with ‘The Arc’ in the subject line.

Anyone who is eligible and completes an interview will receive a $20 gift card.

Here are four easy ways you can help us:

1) Forward this email to anyone you know who might be interested in sharing their experiences.

2) Add a link to the study site on your website: http://www.thearc.org/paidleavestudy.

3) Tell people about this study or hand out flyers (attached & available at our study website) at events.

4) Post our sample posts on Twitter or Facebook (available at our study website).

All discussions and participants’ information will be kept confidential.

Visit http://www.thearc.org/paidleavestudy to learn more and get sample social media and flyers.

Your support means a lot to us. The results of this study will help build more inclusive policies. Thank you!

This research project of Columbia University is sponsored by The Arc of the United States. Questions or concerns?  Contact Suma Setty at 212-304-6093 or [email protected].”