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Capitol Correspondence - 08.05.19

Reminder: Ask Your State for Good Faith Delay on EVV

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The deadline for implementation of Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) requirements as part of the 21st Century Cures Act is in five months – we encourage our members to ask their states to apply for a good faith exemption from the rule. The good faith exemption would grant states an additional year to implement the rule, which has given the disability community, including providers, many challenges. These include privacy concerns for individuals supported, lack of clarity on which supports are included, and confusion among state officials who are responsible for compliance. In 2018 ANCOR pushed legislation that delayed the implementation deadline from January 1, 2019 to January 1, 2020 and is currently seeking a legislative fix to address the confusion on which supports are included. However, good faith exemptions will be helpful to the disability supports and as such we encourage our readers to ensure that their states are aware of the opportunity.

Share information so we can inform Congress on why it needs to act! Please take our EVV state tracker survey – we still need information for 22 states.