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Capitol Correspondence - 05.12.20

Reminder: Signs of Progress Serve as Urgent Reminder to Keep the Pressure On!

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A bit over a week ago, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) requested from states’ Medicaid directors two years’ worth of budgetary information and other identifying information about providers that would enable HHS to disburse relief payments to Medicaid-funded I/DD providers. We read this as a promising sign that CMS is moving forward to develop a plan to distribute funding to Medicaid-funded providers. If true, it means that your advocacy is working.

However, now is NOT the time to let our guard down!

Even if CMS is taking this positive step, we have no idea how much money will be allocated, how it will be distributed, or on what timeframe providers can expect relief to come. Therefore, it’s more important than ever that we keep up the pressure on our federal lawmakers.