The Kaiser Family Foundation report highlighted below by Politico Pulse is of interest for our members, as they need to stay aware of general Medicaid trends to they can be informed of the broader concerns that influence policy-makers. That is because Medicaid funds the majority of disability programs in the United States.
As reported by Politico Pulse:
“KFF: Medicaid spending expected to grow more than 6 percent in 2020. That would be more than double the 2019 growth rate, even though enrollment is expected to remain virtually flat, state officials tell the Kaiser Family Foundation for the annual 50-state budget survey out today.
— The usual suspects are driving the projected spending increase, POLITICO’s Rachana Pradhan writes, including rising costs of prescription drugs and expenses for elderly and disabled Medicaid beneficiaries.
State officials largely attributed the enrollment trends to a stronger economy, but other factors include changes in state Medicaid renewal processes and upgraded eligibility systems.”
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