The State of America's Direct Support Workforce Crisis 2024

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Capitol Correspondence - 04.13.20

Resource: Snapshot of Appendix K Waivers

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To help our members track which temporary flexibilities and changes states have added to Medicaid waivers, we are sharing this Health Management Associates (HMA) snapshot of the trends in approved Appendix Ks to date. Note that HMA reminds readers, “This summary is not comprehensive in nature. All flexibilities listed on the table below represent temporary changes. HMA’s review does not address state authorities that are reflected in existing state waivers. As CMS is approving additional emergency requests daily, we anticipate that some approved requests will be updated as the situation continues to evolve.”

ANCOR is also conducting analysis of relevant changes created by Medicaid 1135 and appendix K waivers; stay tuned, as we will announce those when they are complete.