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Capitol Correspondence - 06.12.17

Save Medicaid Rally Draws Hundreds to Capitol Hill, Thousands Nationwide

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On June 6, ANCOR joined with dozens of other national organizations to host a rally on Capitol Hill in support of Medicaid. ANCOR led the planning for the rally, which started as a partner event to a fly-in Hill day during which providers descended on Senate office buildings to hold meetings with their Senators and staff, expressing concerns over provisions in the House-passed American Health Care Act (AHCA), particularly the change in the Medicaid funding structure to per capita caps, fundamentally changing the program and resulting in more than $800 billion in funding cuts. 
The rally drew hundreds of Medicaid supporters, and featured Senators speaking passionately about the importance of Medicaid in providing community supports for people with disabilities. Senators who spoke were Bob Casey (D-PA), Ron Wyden (D-OR), Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), and Maggie Hassan (D-NH). Former Congressman Tony Coelho (D-CA), one of the leading forces behind the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) introduced speakers. Several self-advocates and their families also spoke to the crowd. 
The Center for Public Representation, one of the leading partners on the rally, has compiled national and local media coverage on the rally, photos from the event, a story portal to allow people to share their Medicaid stories, and more information on a website available here.