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Capitol Correspondence - 08.20.18

Senate Focus This Week on Medicaid Fraud and Overpayment

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This week the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs, which in part has jurisdiction over agency efficiency, is holding a hearing on Tuesday, August 21, at 10AM entitled “Examining CMS’s Efforts to Fight Medicaid Fraud and Overpayments.” CMS Administrator Seema Verma and Eugene Dodaro, Comptroller General of the United States for the U.S. Government Accountability Office, will be the two key witnesses.  Administrator Verma’s appearance spurs from a joint request from the Committee to appear and speak to safeguards in place to protect the Medicaid program. As indicated by the letter, Administrator Verma  had declined repeatedly to appear before the Committee and the hearing has been rescheduled multiple times.

ANCOR staff will be attending the hearing in person. Note that we expect to hear electronic visit verification to come up in Administrator Verma’s testimony as well as other Medicaid fraud prevention techniques. You can watch the hearing live once it begins and it will be archived and shared by ANCOR with our summary and analysis in the next issue of Capitol Correspondence.