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Capitol Correspondence - 08.03.21

Senate Moves Forward with Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal

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In a bipartisan vote (67-32) last Wednesday, the Senate agreed to move forward to open floor discussion on a bipartisan $1T infrastructure deal with the bill text released Sunday.

The White House released the following Fact Sheet breaking down the 2,700+ pages of text which includes a $65 billion investment in broadband infrastructure deployment: FACT SHEET: Historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal | The White House

Included in the bill text is funding to create a Transportation Access Pilot Program to be established not later than one year after the date of enactment. The purpose of the pilot is to develop an accessibility data set to improve transportation planning by measuring the level of access by surface transportation modes to important destinations, including but not limited to, health care facilities, educational and workforce training facilities, and housing. The accessibility data set would further break down the accessibility data set by population categories including low-income populations, minority populations, age, disability, and geographical location.

Full text available here: Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Text