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ANCOR News - 04.12.21

Senate Schedules Hearing for CMS Administrator Nominee

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On April 15, starting at 9:30 am EDT, the Senate Finance Committee will hold a long-awaited hearing for two key positions within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS):

  • Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Administrator. The nominee for this position, which oversees both Medicaid and Medicare, is Chiquita Brooks-LaSure.
  • Assistant Secretary of HHS. The nominee for this position, which helps with the overall management of the Department, is Andrea Joan Palm.

While this hearing will not be webcast, ANCOR will seek to submit disability-focused questions to congressional staff for committee members to ask during the hearing. We will keep members informed as the nomination process for Brooks-LaSure unfolds, given CMS’ role in funding and overseeing the majority of Medicaid disability supports.