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Capitol Correspondence - 06.08.21

Three New CMS Resources Specific to I/DD and Medicaid

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The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued resources we anticipate will be useful to our members and their networks as they continue to navigate the pandemic regulatory environment:

A training webinar for states on post-pandemic re-integration for HCBS services. The goal of the training is to “assist states to successfully re-integrate individuals receiving home and community-based services (HCBS) and supports into their communities by redefining the baseline for community access as the restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic are relaxed or eliminated.” While this training is geared towards state officials, registration appears to be open to the public.

An information bulletin summarizing CMS guidance on the American Rescue Plan Act. The bulletin reviews “general information on the Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and the Basic Health Program (BHP) related provisions in the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021.” This includes a summary of the temporary 10 percent increase in Home and Community-Based Services rates.

A two-day virtual seminar on intellectual / developmental disabilities and aging caregivers. The summit “to share promising practices and collaborate on solutions for addressing challenges faced by state Medicaid agencies and their partners in supporting adults with I/DD and their aging parents and caregivers.  […]

This webinar is open to the public, will focus on strategies for state Medicaid agencies and their partner agencies, and will cover the following topics:   

  • Coordination across State Agencies  
  • Person- and Family-Centered Systems  

By the end of this series of interactive webinars, participants will:   

  1. Convene with state agencies, federal agency representatives, national associations, local agencies, individuals with I/DD, their parents and caregivers, and other stakeholders to share promising practices and collaborate on solutions for addressing challenges faced by state Medicaid programs and their partners in supporting adults with I/DD living with and cared for by aging parents and caregivers.
  2. Identify and discuss the current needs and interests in the field.  
  3. Emphasize participation and engagement through interactive exercises, discussion of current trends, challenges, research questions, and improvement strategies, and sharing of resources, resulting in learning that can be applied in day-to-day work.  

Guest speakers from various state Medicaid agencies, partner agencies, and family caregivers will share their insights and experiences during the summit.  Please note: if you would like to attend all of the sessions, you will need to register for each session individually using the links above. Please contact [email protected] with any questions. 

Dates and Times:   

Session 1: Monday, June 28th, 11:30AM-1:30PM ET:

Session 1 will focus on the importance of cross-agency collaboration in providing effective supports for adults with I/DD and their aging parents and caregivers. State Spotlights:   

  • New Hampshire Bureau of Developmental Services  
  • Maryland Developmental Disabilities Administration   



Session 2: Monday, June 28th, 2:30PM-4:00 PM ET  

Session 2 will continue the conversation on the importance of cross-agency collaboration in providing effective supports for adults with I/DD and their aging parents and caregivers.  State

Spotlight: Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities  



Session 3: Tuesday, June 29th, 11:30AM -1:30PM ET  

Session 3 will focus on creating a person- and family-centered system that supports adults with I/DD and their aging parents and caregivers.  Spotlights:  

  • DC Department on Disability Services & Quality Trust for Individuals with Disabilities   
  • Washington Developmental Disabilities Administration, Washington State Health Care Authority    
