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Capitol Correspondence - 04.13.20

Thursday: FEMA / HHS to Hold Stakeholder Teleconference on COVID-19 Response

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As announced by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Department of Health and Human Services (HHS):

“FEMA’s Office of Equal Rights will be hosting regular teleconferences concerning the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) response, to share information and to hear civil rights-related concerns. OER will be joined by FEMA’s Office of Disability Integration and Coordination (ODIC) who will provide updates on their regional coordination activities, as well as the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office for Civil Rights (OCR). Both FEMA and HHS will share information, as well as address questions – and hopefully dispel rumors and any misinformation being shared – that are on the minds of our stakeholders.

In order to ensure our first call is as valuable as we can make it, we are requesting questions in advance. We want to make sure we get to as many questions as possible; we also want to ensure the right FEMA staff are on the call, based on questions posed. Please submit civil rights related questions to be addressed by FEMA and HHS no later than close of business April 14, 2020 to this email address: [email protected]

FEMA Participants

▪ Jo Linda Johnson, Director, FEMA OER, and other OER staff

▪ FEMA programmatic staff, as needed

▪ Linda Mastandrea, Director, FEMA ODIC

HHS Participants

▪ Roger Severino, Director, HHS Office for Civil Rights, and OCR staff

▪ Other HHS staff, as needed based on questions

When  (a calendar invite will be provided for your participation)

The first call will be held on THURSDAY APRIL 16, 2020, 3:00PM-4:00PM (EASTERN). The frequency of additional calls will be discussed with stakeholders, to gather input. Scheduling information will be shared via FEMA and HHS listservs.


Teleconference information: 1-888-270-9936 Access Code: 2977830

There will be 500 lines available.

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