Capitol Correspondence - 05.14.19

Trump Administration Reorganizing Agency Which Focuses on Disability Issues

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ANCOR is sharing this announcement by the Administration on Community Living (ACL) because of its importance to disability programs relied upon by the individuals our members support, and by providers of disability supports. At the bottom of this article we have included a chart prepared by our coalition partners which lays out the planned changes to the agency.

As written by the ACL:

“Part B of the Statement of Organization, Functions, and Delegations of Authority of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), as last amended at 79 FR 80 FR 31389-31402, dated June 2, 2015, is amended to reflect the reorganization of the Administration on Community Living (ACL). This reorganization is being undertaken to improve efficiency and effectiveness of the organization; strengthen infrastructure; and improve the connections between the organization and its stakeholder, grantees and consumers at the national, state and local levels. It changes the Office of Elder Justice and Adult Protective Services functions to include carrying out the Long-Term Care Ombudsman functions established in Section 201(d)(1) of the Older Americans Act (OAA) and the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Aging will meet the responsibilities for the Director of the Office of Long-Term Care Ombudsman Programs. It renames the Independent Living Administration to the Office of Independent Living Programs, which will continue to serve as the Independent Living Administration as specified in Section 701A of the Rehabilitation Act, and renames the Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities to the Office of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Programs. The Commissioner for the Administration on Disabilities (AoD) will also serve as the Director of the Independent Living Administration. It retitles the Center for Integrated Programs to the Center for Innovation and Partnership, the Office of Consumer Access and Self-Determination to the Office of Network Advancement, and the Office of Integrated Care Innovations to the Office of Interagency Innovation. It retitles the National Institute of Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research’s Office of Research Evaluation and Administration to the Office of Research Administration. It retitles the Office of Regional Operations to the Center for Regional Operations.”

As prepared by our coalition partners:



Administration on Disabilities

Administration on Disabilities

Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities


Office of Innovation

  • Projects of National Significance


Office of Program Support

  • UCEDDs
  • DD Councils
  • P&As
  • HAVA, Section 292
  • AT Act, Section 5 (P&A grants)

Office of Intellectual and Developmental Disability Programs

  • UCEDDs
  • DD Councils



Independent Living Administration

Office of Independent Living Programs

No equivalent in current structure

Office of Disability Services Innovation

  • Projects of National Significance
  • P&As
  • HAVA, Section 292
  • AT Act, Section 5 (P&A grants)1



Office of Research Evaluation and Administration


Office of Research Administration[1]

Center for Integrated Programs


Center for Innovation and Partnership


Office of Consumer Access and Self-Determination

  • AT Act, Section 4 (State grants)
  • ADRCs

Office of Integrated Care Innovations

Office of Healthcare Information and Counseling


Office of Interagency Innovation

  • AT Act, Section 4 (State grants)

Office of Network Advancement

  • ADRCs

Office of Healthcare Information and Counseling



[1] Despite nearly identical language in the 2015 and proposed reorganization relative to NIDILRR administrative functions, there is an intention to move employees out of NIDILRR and into the Center for Management and Budget Office of Grants Management, as noted in a letter from Secretary Alex Azar to Sen. Patty Murray: “[NIDILRR] will adjust office structure and assign three grants officers to ACL’s grant support office.”