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Capitol Correspondence - 05.14.19

U.S. Representative Brings Up 14(c) Certificates in Hearing with DOL Secretary

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On May 1, the House of Representatives Education and Labor Committee held a hearing on U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) policies. U.S. Secretary of Labor Alex Acosta was the sole witness, with his testimony focusing on the Trump Administration’s efforts to de-regulate industries, consolidate agencies, and increase state flexibility. Additionally, the Secretary discussed specific DOL initiatives – the most relevant to ANCOR members being the Department’s efforts to bring people with disabilities into the workforce. In response to that, U.S. Representative Glen Grothman (R-WI) brought up 14(c) wage certificates – members interested in watching the exchange can see it in this video, starting at the 3 hour and 20 minute marker. As previously reported, Secretary Acosta is working on listening sessions to get a sense of the public’s perspective on 14(c) and whether DOL should make any recommendations to Congress to phase out the program.