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ANCOR News - 05.04.19

Where Are Your Peers at on HCBS Settings Rule Compliance? NCI Releases New Issue Brief

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ANCOR is sharing this issue brief by the National Core Indicators (NCI) Survey because the Home and Community Based Settings (HCBS) Rule implementation requires significant compliance work by providers of disability supports and the deadline – March 2022 – is fast approaching.

As shared by NCI:

“In the 2017-2018 data collection cycle:

  • 23% of NCI respondents were living in HCBS group home settings of 4 to 15 individuals;
  • 15% were employed in paid facility-based programs in the past 2 weeks;
  • 84% of those living in provider-controlled HCBS residences said that people knock before entering their bedroom; and
  • 95% of those living in provider-controlled HCBS residences report they have a place to be alone in their home.


Questions to ask: What has your state designed to assess progress to full compliance with the Settings

Rule? How does your state plan to monitor continued compliance beyond 2022? How have consumers and families been advised about the requirements of the Rule? In what ways did the state Medicaid agency seek and incorporate broad public comment from a range of stakeholders on the statewide transition plan? What have service provider agencies done to meet the new expectations? Have these changes been shared publicly? What opportunities exist for families and self-advocates to contribute to an ongoing dialogue about the design and delivery of HCBS services in your state or community?”