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Capitol Correspondence - 05.07.18

White House Funding Cut Proposal Expected This Week

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On Monday, May 7, 2018 the White House announced that it would release a proposal to rescind funding allowed by Congress later in the week. ANCOR has been following this proposal, known as “rescission”, closely over the past few weeks. While the White House’s original proposal had aimed to cut $60 billion from funding Congress authorized as part of its 2 year spending deal, the proposal expected this week more narrowly focuses on cutting $15 billion of “years-old” funding that had been approved in the past but not yet used. This is a change from the proposal announced last week, which also focused on unused funds but had been for a smaller $11 billion cut. As a reminder, Congress has 45 days to take action on this proposal once it receives it – under special budgetary powers, should Congress take action the bill could not be filibustered. However, if Congress does not take action, then the proposal becomes void and funding remains intact.

ANCOR will be reviewing the proposal once issued and letting members know whether any IDD programs will be affected and if action is needed.