While attending the The ADvancing States’ Home and Community-Based Services Conference this month and visiting with providers from across the nation, many of which are ANCOR members, I began to reflect on all of the good work our industry does to help support peopel with I/DD. The level of responsibility our industry accepts to support our most vulnerable citizens never ceases to amaze me. Despite the challenges and constantly changing landscape, we always focus on delivering high quality services and supports to the people that have chosen us to help them live meaningful and fulfilling lives.
Our work is some of the most rewarding work out there, even if those outside of it may not be aware or believe it unglamorous. Far too often our industry is taken for granted, overlooked, and, dare I say, sometimes unknown or forgotten by the general public. Yet, for us who provide services or have a role that contributes to improving the lives of peopel with I/DD, we wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.
On behalf of Therap Services, I wanted to take a pause from the informational content and share a simple message with the ANCOR staff and members:
Thank you for dealing with the lingering pandemic and the seemingly never ending impact to your people in service, your staff and stakeholders.
Thank you for making constant adjustments to hiring practices to attract and retain qualified staff. From the DSP to Executive levels, from the maintenance staff to the van drivers, staff shortages remain top of mind and can be all consuming.
Thank you for the efforts you have had to make, adjusting and pivoting when regulations change, potential vaccine mandates arise or funding sources are altered. Your ability to be nimble is much admired.
Thank you for maintaining a positive attitude. While the challenges can become heavy, we must continue to be positive and focus on quality service delivery.
And most importantly, THANK YOU for helping our citizens who benefit from your services. HCBS, ICF, Host Homes, Employment Services, LTSS…I could go on and on. Simply, thank you all!
As we close out 2021 and look forward to 2022, from all of us at Therap, we wish you and yours, your staff, colleagues and every individual being supported, a joyous holiday season and a most happy and prosperous New Year!
Michelle Saunders is Director of Business Development at Therap Services. She can be reached at [email protected].
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