2025 DSP of the Year Awards

Nominate an outstanding direct support professional by November 1
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Interviewing Resources

Whereas the PSAs and recruitment flyers are designed to ensure you attract qualified professionals to work for your agency, you also need to ensure that you hire the right people for the individuals you support. This set of resources can help.

In this tool, you’ll find four documents to aid in the search for the best possible person for the job. The first three tools can be helpful in conducting candidate interviews. The fourth resource outlines the core competencies for frontline supervisors, which can help you in screening candidates for such roles.

Behavioral Interviewing

A quick guide to a helpful approach to interviewing potential job candidates

Structured Interview Questions

Sample questions tied to the core competencies of a direct support professional

Interview Questionnaire

A template for building out your interview plan using the sample structured interview questions

Frontline Supervisor Competencies

The core competencies to screen for when considering candidates for frontline supervisor positions
