Ever wished that health care providers that see people you support understood their health care needs a little better?
Many physicians receive little training in I/DD health care in medical schools and residency programs. Luckily, there are two new tools available to help. The Curriculum in I/DD Healthcare is an online course written and delivered “by a doctor, for doctors” and other health care providers that teaches the fundamentals of I/DD health care. You can provide the curriculum to your doctors to improve their competence and compassion when it comes to treating patients with I/DD.
The second tool, The Clinical Pearls in I/DD Health Care, is a resource for not only clinicians, but also support staff and families. It provides concise clinical information they need and want to know about more than 50 topics. It’s great for in-service training of staff, too.
Join Dr. Craig Escudé, President of Health Risk Screening, Inc. and author of these two resources, on August 6, 2020 at 1 pm EDT to learn more about these novel resources for our field.