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February 08, 2023

Creating Connections: How People with I/DD are Leveraging Technology to Build Relationships

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1:00pm-2:00pm EST

This webinar takes a deep dive into how people with I/DD can leverage technology to build and strengthen their friendships and relationships.

Far too often, people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) are not equitably supported in developing relationships with friends or significant others.

However, educational materials exist to support people with I/DD in developing healthy relationships. This webinar will highlight existing and emerging resources created with people with I/DD in mind—including illustrated stories in accessible language—designed to support people with I/DD in building relationships, critical decision-making, and discernment skills.

In doing so, the presenters will detail the importance of friendships and relationships with significant others for people with I/DD. They will discuss three positive outcomes of healthy relationships: healing from trauma, developing a positive sense of self, and fostering resiliency.

This session will take a deep dive into how people with I/DD can leverage technology to build and strengthen their friendships and relationships – such as using a dating app called “Hello, It’s Me,” which is designed to support people with I/DD in making friends and discovering potential dating relationships. The app, much like this session, focuses on accessibility and providing a safe and inclusive space for people with I/DD to learn, develop friendships and build healthy relationships.

A recording will be made available for registrants.


  • Vik Aurora, Senior Vice President, Edusolutions
  • Kevin Drumheller, Chief Executive Officer, Richcroft
  • Karyn Harvey, Psychologist, Park Avenue Group


  • ANCOR members: $59
  • Non-members: $139

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