June 14, 2023

Utilizing Technology for More Accessible Person-Centered Planning

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1:00pm-2:00pm EST

Join this webinar to discover innovative ways to improve accessibility and communication within person-centered planning.

What if we could genuinely place person-centered planning back in the hands of the person leveraging services? This webinar will demonstrate a groundbreaking way to do just that by using innovative web-based tools to develop a person-centered plan (PCP) that looks and feels like no other. Written by the person for the person, this PCP is written in the individual’s own words and becomes a “living” document that, unlike paper documents, does not sit in a drawer, only used once a year at a planning meeting.

Instead, this innovative approach to person-centered planning leverages technology to ensure that the person’s planning documentation can be continuously updated and is accessible to them, so that they may enter information into their record alongside a provider or case manager.

Join this session to learn about innovative technology that improves communication between the person leveraging services and their support team and how to enhance communication while elevating each individual’s dignity and control over their own life.

A recording will be made available for registrants.


  • Melissa Richards, Senior Vice President of Clinical Operations, The Columbus Organization


  • ANCOR members: $59
  • Non-members: $139

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