Capitol Correspondence - 04.16.18

ANCOR Coalition Webinar on How Benefit Cuts Impact People with Disabilities

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ANCOR’s national coalition, the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) is offering a free webinar: How Benefit Cuts Impact People with Disabilities; How to Fight Back

Thursday, April 19, 2018
3:00 p.m. EDT (2:00 p.m. CDT; 1:00 p.m. MDT; Noon PDT)

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(Please note:  this webinar has been rescheduled from March 20; if you registered then, you have been automatically added to this – you should receive emailed confirmation of that shortly.)

Learn about likely federal policy threats affecting people with disabilities in programs such as Medicaid, nutrition assistance, SSI/SSDI, housing and legal protections.  Included in the webinar will be a discussion of effective messaging to combat these threats, and action steps you can take to get involved. Following the presentations, participants will have an opportunity to ask questions.

This webinar is co-sponsored by the Center for American Progress, Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities Fiscal Policy Task Force, and the Coalition on Human Needs. The webinar will be captioned and ALS interpreting will be provided; a transcript will be available, along with the recording and slides.

Click here to register


·       T.J. Sutcliffe, Director of Income and Housing Policy | The Arc

·       Lisa Ekman, Co-Chair of Fiscal Policy Task Force | Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities

·       Rebecca Cokley, Senior Fellow, Disability Policy | Center for American Progress

·       Rebecca Vallas, Vice President, Poverty to Prosperity Program | Center for American Progress  


·       Deborah Weinstein, Executive Director | Coalition On Human Needs

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