Capitol Correspondence - 06.29.21

ANCOR Joins Letter Calling for Lifespan Respite Funding

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ANCOR joined 51 other organizations in a letter to the House and Senate Appropriations Committees calling for $14.2 million in funding for fiscal year 2022 for the Lifespan Respite Care Program, which is administered by the Administration on Aging within the Administration for Community Living.

As explained in the letter: “National, State and local surveys have shown respite to be among the most frequently requested services by family caregivers. Yet, 86 percent of the nation’s family caregivers of adults do not receive respite. The percentage is similar for parents of children with special needs. For family caregivers caring for someone with Alzheimer’s disease, adults with developmental disabilities, individuals with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), ALS, traumatic brain injury, or rare diseases, as well as grandparents raising grandchildren and military and Veteran caregivers, respite is especially elusive. Families caring for children, teens and adults with autism, physical disabilities or mental health conditions also can’t find or afford respite.


We are grateful for the increase the Lifespan Respite Program received in FY 2020 to $7.1 million. However, the pandemic shined a harsh new light on family caregivers’ escalating unmet needs. By investing in Lifespan Respite and other family caregiver supports, the goals of strengthening the wellbeing of the nation’s family caregivers, and of avoiding or delaying costly out-of-home placements and unnecessary hospitalizations, can be reached.”

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