Capitol Correspondence - 04.12.21

ICYMI: ANCOR Annual Conference Sessions Announced

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For the convenience of our members, we reprise this announcement from last week’s edition of ANCOR’s Weekly Update:

We know you’ve been waiting, and now the wait is over! We are delighted to announce a smorgasbord of sessions that will be part of this Conference. There will be pertinent Awards sessions to celebrate so many who were integral throughout an extraordinarily challenging year, vibrant and impactful mainstage General Sessions, plus Breakout Sessions to help you deepen your expertise! Browse all announced sessions here, and stay tuned as more will be added in the coming weeks!

With all of this just announced, we want you to have time to craft your experience, collaborate with colleagues, and think through which staff can’t miss this event so…..Early Bird Registration has been EXTENDED! You now have until Friday, April 23rd to lock in the lowest rate to join us for the 2021 ANCOR Annual Conference: Meeting the Moment! Oh and we’re not done—new sessions will be added as they’re confirmed!

With all we have planned for this virtual experience, there’s something for everyone, no matter your role in the I/DD community. From general sessions, to mainstage events, to short talks, brain breaks, and innovative virtual information-sharing and networking opportunities, your Conference registration unlocks full access to the suite of programming tailored especially for the I/DD community.

Register today to join the nation’s leading community of I/DD providers and advocates for our largest virtual gathering yet, as we meet this moment—together!

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