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Capitol Correspondence - 04.02.24

Administration for Community Living Unveils NIDILRR Toolkit to Empower Stakeholders in Disability Research and Development

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The Administration for Community Living (ACL) has announced the release of the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) Toolkit, designed to educate stakeholders and facilitate research and development initiatives aimed at enhancing the lives of people with disabilities.

The purpose of the NIDILRR Toolkit is to provide a comprehensive overview of NIDILRR’s history going back to 1978 and its evolving role as the federal government’s primary applied disability research organization. Additionally, the toolkit details NIDILRR’s framework, work, publications, and resources.

This educational resource offers stakeholders a summary of NIDILRR’s grant-funding authorities, which are intended to serve as a tool for capacity building, knowledge translation, and informing stakeholders about NIDILRR’s impactful work in the disability community.