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Capitol Correspondence - 07.12.22

ANCOR Endorses Bill on International Children with Disabilities

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ANCOR endorsed the International Children with Disabilities Protection Act of 2022, a bill sponsored by Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ), which would establish a grant program within the U.S. Department of State to promote the full inclusion of children with disabilities around the world.

Specific provisions of the legislation include:

  • Creation of a small grants program to support leadership and advocacy by people with disabilities and their families to protect full inclusion of children with disabilities in society – and to prevent unnecessary institutionalization;
  • Promotion of advocacy skills and leadership by people with disabilities and family members of the children and youth with disabilities to ensure they can participate in their local, regional and national governments to bring about policy reforms, legal protections and programs to support family inclusion of children with disabilities;
  • Promotion of laws, policies and funding programs that strengthen families and protect against institutionalization of children with disabilities; and
  • Assistance to countries in developing policies and social supports to protect families and ensure full inclusion of children with disabilities.

The grant program would be funded at $25,000,000 annually for ten years.