Capitol Correspondence - 03.07.23

Biden Addresses the Nation on Health Care

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This past Tuesday, President Biden delivered a speech in Virginia Beach that emphasized the critical importance of investing in the nation’s health care system. The president’s remarks underscored his commitment to protecting and strengthening the Medicaid program, which provides critical health care services to millions of low-income Americans, including seniors and people with disabilities. 

In his speech, President Biden specifically called out the importance of investing in Medicaid and avoiding any cuts to the program. This message was reinforced in a fact sheet released by the White House prior to his speech. 

President Biden made it clear that any cuts to the Medicaid program would have a devastating impact on seniors and people with disabilities, potentially leaving them on long waiting lists without access to essential services. The importance of Medicaid cannot be overstated, particularly for individuals with disabilities, who rely on the program for critical services, including long-term care and support. Without Medicaid, many individuals with disabilities would be unable to access the care they need to live independently and participate fully in their communities. 

By emphasizing the importance of investing in Medicaid and opposing any cuts to the program, the White House is sending a powerful message about the need to prioritize the health and well-being of all Americans.