Capitol Correspondence - 07.19.22

Budget Reconciliation Negotiations Continue

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Negotiations over the budget reconciliation legislation continue between Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senator Joe Manchin over what provisions will be included in a slimmed-down version of the bill. Senator Manchin previously indicated his support of prescription drug pricing reform, which has already been sent to the Senate Parliamentarian to determine if it can be included in a final package.

Senator Manchin has cast doubt about expanding the legislation beyond drug pricing reform, citing concerns over inflation. Reports from a meeting between Manchin and Democratic leadership on Thursday indicate he is still considering including an extension of Affordable Care Act subsidies in the legislation.

The negotiations have not ended, so there is still an opportunity for HCBS funding to be included in budget reconciliation. ANCOR has continued its advocacy push to encourage members to contact their Senators and tell them to support HCBS funding as part of the reconciliation bill, with a special emphasis on West Virginia, New York and Arizona. Join the advocacy push by reaching out to your Senators and urging them to support HCBS funding.

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