The State of America's Direct Support Workforce Crisis 2024

New report sheds light on persistent problems facing community providers due to ongoing recruitment and retention challenges
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Capitol Correspondence - 06.08.20

ICYMI: Two Opportunities to Nominate DSPs for Public Recognition

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During the quarantine, we are encouraging our members to cast the spotlight as much as they can onto Direct Support Professionals (DSPs), the pandemic’s #ForgottenFaces. Celebrating members of this fantastic and essential workforce is a great step forward!

Nominating for Jimmy Kimmel Live’s #HealthCareHero Recognition: 

During the quarantine, Jimmy Kimmel Live is paying tribute to those who are on the frontlines of the COVID-19 crisis. We all know DSPs have been doing amazing work to try to manage the pandemic with limited resources. To nominate a DSP who deserves to be celebrated, please share their story on social media with the hashtag #HealthCareHero — be sure to tag the stories with @JimmyKimmelLive so the show can see them — then be on the lookout for a message or reply from one of the show’s producers to see if you’ve been selected. We must get as much recognition

The John F. Kennedy Library’s Profiles in COVID Courage Award:

The Profile in Courage Award Committee will choose several of the nominations to represent the courage of all those on the frontline of the COVID-19 crisis at the Profile in Courage Award ceremony, which will be held when it is safe to gather in person.

Stories can be submitted here or on social media using the hashtag #COVIDCourage. Nominations will be accepted through the end of August, and the representatives for this special Profile in Courage Award will be announced in the fall.